
童年期虐待经历与青少年生活满意度的相关性研究 被引量:5

Childhood Abuse and Adolescents' Life Satisfaction
摘要 目的探讨青少年童年期不良经历与生活满意度的关系,为成年期生活满意度的提高提供早期防控资料。方法采用无记名问卷调查青少年的人口统计学特征、童年期虐待经历、生活满意度等内容。调查对象来自郎溪县某农村中学的2082名中学生。结果青少年童年期反复重度躯体虐待、反复中度躯体虐待和反复情感虐待的报告率分别为12.2%,66.3%和50.3%。不同年龄、年级和自评学习成绩的学生生活满意度各维度评分差异均有统计学意义。3种虐待经历是家庭满意度、学校满意度、总体生活满意度降低的危险因素,童年期反复中度躯体虐待、反复情感虐待是朋友满意度、住所满意度降低的危险因素。结论童年期反复躯体虐待和反复情感虐待经历是青少年生活满意度的重要负性影响因素。 Objective To explore the relationship between childhood abuse and adolescents life satisfaction, and to provide reference for the early strategies of adulthood life satisfaction. Methods The investigation was administered among 2 082 adolescents from one rural middle school in Langxi County. All participants were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire, including general population statistics characteristic, childhood abuse experience, life satisfaction and so on. Results The rates of repeating severe physical abuse, rearing intermediate physical abuse and repeating emotional abuse in childhood were 12.2%, 66.3% and 50.3% respectively. Each dimension of life satisfaction of students with different ages, self-rating academic record or in different grades scored statistically differently. The three repeating abuses were the risk factors to family life satisfaction, school life satisfaction and general life satisfaction, and the repeating intermediate life satisfaction and repeating emotional abuse were the risk factors to peer relationship satisfaction and the residence life satisfaction. Conclusion The repeating childhood physical abuse and repeating emotional abuse are the important negative influence factor of adolescents' life satisfaction.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第4期302-305,共4页 Chinese Journal of School Health
关键词 虐待 生活变动事件 回归分析 青少年 Torture Life change events Regression analysis Adolescent
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