
青藏铁路隧道内有害气体浓度标准探讨 被引量:2

Discussion of the Control Standard of Harmful Gas in the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Tunnel
摘要 《铁路隧道运营通风设计规范》(TB10068—2000)中规定"内燃机车通过隧道后15 min内,氮氧化物(换算成NO2)浓度小于10 mg/m3"。此规定对于平原地区是适用的。然而青藏铁路建于高海拔地区,低气压、低氧、低温等严酷的自然条件对人体健康和劳动能力带来更为恶劣的影响。为了保障青藏铁路相关人群的健康生存和正常工作,本文结合青藏地区的特殊高原气候对人体造成影响的因素和气态污染物的衡量方式对青藏铁路运营隧道内宜采用的NO2控制浓度进行了探讨。 ‘Code for design on operating ventilation of railway tunnel' (TB 10068-2000)provides rules "within 15 minutes after the diesel locomotive passed a tunnel,the concentration of nitrogen oxides( convert into nitrogen dioxide) should less than 10 mg/m^3". The rule is applicable for plain region, but not for the Qinghai-Tibet railway which built on the high-altitude region. The rigorous natural environment of high-altitude such as low pressure, hypoxia, low temperature bring abominable effect to human' s health and labor ability. To guarantee related group' s healthy survival and normal work, combining with the influence factors of Qinghai-Tibet region' s special plateau climate to human and scale method of gaseous pollutants the article discuss the control concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the operating tunnels of Qinghai-Tibet railway.
出处 《铁道劳动安全卫生与环保》 2008年第2期83-86,共4页 Railway Occupational Safety Health & Environmental Protection
关键词 青藏铁路 高原气候 二氧化氮:控制标准 Qinghai-Tibet railway plateau climate nitrogen dioxide control standard
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