
黄浦区现制现售纯净水卫生学的现况调查 被引量:3

The Hygienic Surveillance on the Manufacture and Sale of the Fresh Purified Water
摘要 [目的]了解现制现售纯净水的卫生学状况,为今后对类似加盟连锁合作经营的现制现售纯净水制备场所进行预防性和经常性卫生监督确定关键控制点,进一步结合微生物学检查,为国家制定卫生标准提供参考依据。[方法]采用现况调查的方法,共调查本辖区内现制现售纯净水站24家和现制现售自动售水机26台,主要调查其生产条件、卫生设施、人员健康及个人卫生,并对现制现售纯净水、桶装水及有关可能影响卫生质量的因素进行主要微生物和理化指标分析。主要指标:色度、臭和味、浑浊度、pH、铅、砷、三氯甲烷、四氯化碳、耗氧量、电导率、细菌总数、总大肠菌群、粪大肠菌群。水质检测评判标准:《生活饮用水水质处理器卫生安全评价规范——反渗透处理装置》(2001);《中华人民共和国瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准》GB17324-2003。[结果]24家净水站均制作桶装水,均无生产日期标识,健康证持有率为58.93%;自动售水机(26台)露天放置,缺乏必要安全防护。在50件现制现售纯净水样中,细菌总数、总大肠菌群、粪大肠菌群合格率均为100%,色度、臭和味、pH、铅、砷、三氯甲烷、四氯化碳合格率均为100%,浑浊度合格率96.0%,耗氧量合格率82.0%,电导率不合格率为100%。在现制现售桶装纯净水96件中,细菌总数合格率81.3%,总大肠菌群合格率96.9%,粪大肠菌群合格率100%。现制现售纯净水与现制现售桶装纯净水的细菌总数比较Х^2=10.69,P〈0.005,两者的差别有统计学意义。[结论]加强市场准入和经常性卫生监督势在必行,应细化和完善各项监督和监测指标,以确保市场上现制现售纯净水的卫生、安全。 [ Objective ] To investigate the sanitary condition of the manufacture and sale of the fresh purified and bottled drinking-water sold on the markets now in order to ascertain the key controlling point for the preventive and regular sanitary surveillances, and further to provide the references to the government for setting the hygienic standards. [ Methods ] Market investigation were used. 24 fresh purified water manufacture and sale stations and 26 fresh purified water automats within our district were surveyed. The investigation was mainly focused on the production conditions, sanitary facilities, workers' health and their personal hygiene. The microbial and chemical analyses of the possible influencing factors which are related with the quality of the purified water were carried out. Main indices investigated include : ehroma, odor and taste, turbidity, pH, lead, arsenic, chloroform, carbon tetraehloride, oxygen demand, conductivity, total number of bacteria, total number of Eseheriehia eoli and number of fecal coliform. The judgements were based on : 《Hygienic and Salty Regulation and Norms for Drinking water purifier——reverse osmosis treatment processor 》( 2001 ); 《The People's Republic of China Hygienic Standard for bottled purified drinking water》 GB 17324-2003 ). [ Results ] 24 water suppliers all sold bottled drinking-water without date of production. The proportion of the suppliers which have the sanitation certificates is 58.93%. 26 water automats were placed without any necessary sanitary protections. In the 50 samples of fresh purified drinking water we monitored, the qualification rates of the total number of bacteria, the total number of Eseheriehia cell and the number of fecal coliform all reached 100%. The qualification rates of ehroma, odor, taste, pH value, lead content, arsenic content, chloroform content and carbon tetrachloride content of the water samples were also 100%. The qualification rate of the turbidity was 96.0% and of the oxygen-demand is 82.0%. The conductivity of all the samples did not reach the standard. In the 96 samples of the manufacture and sale fresh purified bottled drinking-water, the qualification rate of the total number of bacteria was 81.3%, of the total number of Escherichia cell was 96.9% and of the number of fecal coliform was 100%. The comparison results of the number of bacteria between the fresh purified drinking water and bottled drinking-water showed that the difference between these two kinds of water was distinct. [ Conclusion ] The detection items and indices for the fresh purified drinking water should be detailed and improved in order to guarantee the safety of the manufacture and sale of these kinds of water on the market.
出处 《环境与职业医学》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第2期178-180,共3页 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
关键词 纯净水 现场制售 卫生学现况调查 fresh purified water manufacture and sale on the spot hygienic surveillance
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