

A Study of Key Factors in Choosing Network Distribution Channels by Hotels in China
摘要 从管理者角度对饭店选择网络分销渠道的关键影响因素进行研究,通过前期对饭店管理者和专家访谈以及问卷调查,结合定性分析和定量分析的方法,从八个大的方面总结归纳出26个小的影响因子。在调查研究的基础上,从中提取关键性的因子,得出了影响饭店选择网络分销渠道(中介)的五个关键因素,按重要性顺序排列为:形象基础、效益因素、系统提供商、技术支持和市场因素。为我国饭店企业开展网络分销提供了新的指导和理论视角。 This thesis presents a research on the key factors that affect the selection of network distribution channels from the perspective of hotel management. Based upon interviews and questionnaire surveys with hotel managers and experts, the author takes both qualitative and quantitative approaches and identifies 26 separate impact factors of 8 major aspects. To extract key factors, an analysis of the collected data is made with SPSS. The 5 key factors that affect a hotel's selection of its intermediary network distribution channels are, according to their importance, the invisible infrastructure, efficiency factors, system providers, technical support, and market factors. The study is intended to provide a theoretical perspective to the issue of exploitation of network distribution by hotels in China.
出处 《财贸研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期114-120,共7页 Finance and Trade Research
关键词 网络分销 中介网络 电子商务 饭店 关键因素 network distribution brokerage networks e-commerce hotels key factors
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