

A Non-stationary Iterative Method of Bistatic Scattering from Rough Surface
摘要 发展了一种残差光滑平方化共轭梯度(RSCGS)方法。通过残差光滑技术和平方化共轭梯度法的结合,使该方法既有收敛迅速的特点,同时又保持良好的收敛性质。在电磁离散矩阵方程求解计算中,该方法能加速迭代收敛和改善迭代收敛性质。最后利用该方法计算了当TE、TM高斯波束入射在高斯粗糙导体表面和复合粗糙导体表面的双站散射系数,计算结果表明了该方法的有效性。 In order to numerically simulate bistatic scattering from rough surface, a combined approach of the conjugate gradient squared algorithm with residual smoothing techniques is developed to solve the integral equation of EM scattering. This algorithm improved the convergent characteristic of the iterative method. Numerical bistatic scattering from one-dimensional conducting Gauss rough surface and composite randomly rough surfaces are accomplished by the method. Numerical results are provided to prove the validity of the presented method.
出处 《计量学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期124-128,共5页 Acta Metrologica Sinica
基金 国家973计划项目(2003CD716203) 教育部科学技术研究重点项目(00117)
关键词 计量学 粗糙面散射 非定常迭代 双站散射 残差光滑技术 Metrology Rough surface Non-stationary iterative method Bistatic scattering Residual smoothing techniques
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