绵延25kin的Malecon 2000是厄瓜多尔瓜亚基尔市的一处广阔的滨水空间.直从该市南部的昆卡大街延伸至北部的纪念碑Las Penas。该项目占地面积约为20万平方米,建筑面积约为13万平方米,其中商业区的面积不超过总面积的20%,建筑物的高度均未超过树木。
Recreational area at Malecon 2000 regeneration This sector is located following the Civic Square (P. Icaza street) in the south up to Francisco de Orellana street in the north, and it has an extension of 11,195.32 m^2. developed on the surface of the old pier, foreseeing for the future an expansion on the river with an entertainment center.
Landscape Design