
从人称指称看T·S·艾略特“前奏曲”的所指 被引量:2

The Significances of Personal References:A Study of "Preludes" by T. S. Eliot
摘要 艾略特早期诗歌作品"前奏曲"(Preludes)一直不太被评论界重视。究其原因,可能是评论界认为这首"前奏曲"在主题和风格上并没有什么独特的发展,加之它篇幅较短,表现的主题不仅没有超出《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》的范围,反而还受到了一定限制。但是,笔者则认为,与艾略特早期创作的其他诗歌作品相比,这首诗歌不仅呈现出不同特征,而且与艾略特后期思想有着更多联系。通过运用相关的话语分析理论和方法,尤其是功能语言学理论和分析方法,本文探讨了这首诗歌中人称代词蕴涵的丰富意义,揭示了它们在不同语境中的具体所指和关系,最后指出这首诗歌的主题使之呈现出不同于其他早期诗歌的独特性,即更多地强调了诗人面对庸俗生活时的积极态度,肯定了想象具有的超越能力,从而留下了直接通向其后期创作主题和审美追求的隐秘路径。 Early poems written by T. S. Eliot, like "The Love Song of F. Alfred Prufrock", win high recognition from critics, while his "Preludes" of the same time is almost ignored. The reason for this situation is supposed to be that "Preludes" is relatively short and has no development in theme and style. Contrasted with the above view, this essay argues that this poem is different from other poems of the same time, and has some special character traits related to Eliot' s later writing and thought. Based on the relative theory of discourse analysis, especially the theory of functional grammar, this essay explores the personal references of this poem and their influences on the difference and important character of this poem. Furthermore, this essay advocates that the positive attitude to vulgar life and the metaphorical expression of Eliot' s thought of the relation of imagination to real life in this poem are the development of this poem in terms of representation and theme, which is directly related to his later writing.
作者 唐红梅
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期68-76,共9页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 T·S·艾略特 “前奏曲” 功能语言学 人称指称 T. S. Eliot "Preludes" functional grammar personal references
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