
狄更斯小说中的“边缘人物”与维多利亚意识形态的权力话语 被引量:12

A Study of the Marginalized Characters in Dickens's Novels and the Victorian Ideological Power Discourse
摘要 在英国维多利亚社会中生活着一个特殊的社会群体,从阶级身份上看,它属于下层中产阶级,从社会生存状态上看,它是被边缘化了的一个社会群体,常常为主流社会所忽略;然而在狄更斯笔下,它却是最生动活跃的群体。虽然国内外对狄更斯其人其作的评论可谓是汗牛充栋,但对这些生动活泼的边缘人物却甚少关注,因此,本文以马克思主义相关理论为指导,采用新历史主义研究策略对狄更斯小说中这些边缘化人物进行重新审视,由此以揭示这一群体独特的阶级身份特征,展示它的特殊生存状态,并力图在意识形态层面上阐释它所揭示的思想意义。 In the Victorian society lived a special group of people. They belonged to the lower middle class if perceived from their class status and were marginalized if perceived from their existence because they were often ignored by the mainstream society. However, in Dickens' s novels, they are portrayed vividly and full of vitality. Though an immense number of commentaries have been devoted to the studies of Dickens' s novels both at home and abroad, few of them are concerned with these marginalized characters. Guided by Marxist views of classes and starting with a New-historicist perspective, this paper will reexamine the characters in Dickens' s novels, revealing their unique class status as a social group and demonstrating their special existence. Finally it will elaborate the significance of the characters at the ideological level.
作者 李增
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期85-92,共8页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 边缘人物 意识形态权力话语 颠覆 抑制 marginalized characters ideological power discourse subversion restraint
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  • 1Clark, Kitson. The Making of Victorian England. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1962.
  • 2~rossik, Geoffrey. The Lower Middle Class of Britain 1870 -1914. London: Croom Helm, 1977.
  • 3Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. Ed. Margaret Cardwell. Oxford and New York: Oxford UP, 1954.
  • 4查尔斯·狄更斯.《小杜丽》,金绍禹译.上海:上海译文出版社,1998年.
  • 5查尔斯·狄更斯.Our Mutual Friend. Ed. Michael Costsell. Oxford and New York: Oxford UP, 1982.
  • 6查尔斯·狄更斯.Sketches by Boz. London: Oxford UP, 1957.
  • 7Gissing, George. Charles Dickens: A Critical Study. London: Gresham, 1903.
  • 8Lund, Roger D. “Genteel Fictions: Caricature and Satirical Design in Little Dorrit.” Dickens Studies Annual 10 (1982) : 45 -66.
  • 9Young, Arlene. “Virtue Domesticated : Dickens and the Lower Middle.” Victorian Studies 39.4 (1996) 483 - 87.
  • 10Arlene Young, “Virtue Domesticated: Dickens and the Lower Middle,” Victorian Studies 39.4 (1996): 486,491.











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