
建筑:艺术与技术的重新连接 被引量:2

Architecture:Reconnecting Art and Technology
摘要 当代的建造系统已经远远超出建筑师执业的范围。为了避免被缩减为设计师的危险,建筑师必须把建造艺术与科学技术重新联系起来。能源消耗量和温室气体的排放是可持续性思想关心的两个主要课题。太阳能对世界的作用将越来越大,建造业也会受到很大影响。为达到可持续性发展,制订新的建筑法规需要对建筑全面的整体的考虑。建筑师需要从概念设计的初步阶段就纳入技术的智慧,只有这样,建筑师才能够保证他们作为设计团队领导者的角色和设计创作的自由。要提高环境意识,当前的建筑教育需要达到一个更加全面的水平。 Today's construction systems go much beyond the exercises of architects, To avoid the danger of being reduced to mere designers architects have to reconnect their art to construction technologies. The energy consumption and the greenhouse gas output are two central issues in the sustainability concern. The solar energy w gain importance in the coming age and the field of construction will be largely influenced. Politics need a holistic view to establish new construction standards Architects have to use the technical intelligence from the early stage of conceptual design. Only in this way would architect be guaranteed to their role as a group leader and their freedom for creation Architectural education should go up to a more complex level to raise the environmental conscience.
出处 《时代建筑》 2008年第2期32-34,共3页 Time + Architecture
关键词 建筑 建造艺术 整体视野 新建筑 "Baukunst" art of construction holistic vision new construction standards: freedom for creation multidisciplinary approaches conceptua process environment awareness in architectural eduction
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  • 1Extract from a quotation from H.Gugger's writing in the publication《Kaserne Basel,Atelier Binswanger Gugger Jaccaud Sahy》,Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,The original comes from the 1910 essay of Adolf Loos(1870-1933),entitled"Architecture,"in which he explained important contradictions in design:between the interior and the exterior,the monument and the house,and art works and objects of function.
  • 2History of"Ecole nationale des ponts et chausses"on the website:http://fr.wikipedia.Org/wiki/Ecole_nationale_des_ponts_et_chaussees.
  • 3Read more about solar power especially its development in Germany on the website:http://www.german renewable-energy.com/Renewables/Navigation/Englisch/solar-power.html The German Government's Climate Change Programme for the Buildings Sector,http://www.bmvbs.de/en/Building/,1911/Climate change-and-energy-effi,htm.
  • 4Read more about solar power especially its development in Germany on the website:http://www.german-renewable-energt.com/Renewables/Navigation/Englisch/solar-power.html.The German Govemment's Climate Change Programme for the Buildings Secton http://www.bmvbs.de/en/Building/-,1911/Climate change-and-energy-efi.htm.
  • 5"Cloudy Germany a Powerhouse in Solar Energy",By Craig Whitlock,Washington Post Foreign Service,Saturday,May 5,2007;A01.
  • 6Minergie -P Standard defines buildings with very low energy consumption,it is especially demanding in regard to heating energy demand,This standard corresponds to the internationally known passive house standard,also see the website http://www.minergie.Com/index_en,php.
  • 7Okopass,see the websites www.energteinstitutat and www.vorarlberg.at For further analysis,see the article in French of Dominique Gauzin-Muller,《L'exception culturelle du Vorarlberg》,extract from a book on preparation for Editions du Moniteur(France),Minergie,on the website http://www.minergie,com/index_en.Php.Effinergie,on the website http//www.effinergie.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome.
  • 8Educational program at the?School of Architecture,CMI and Environmental Engineering(ENAC) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology(EPFL)in Lausanne,available on the internet site:http://enac.epfl.ch/page 1332-en.html.


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  • 4施家治前车之鉴,后事之师http://www.ycwb.com,2005-03-08.
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