
上海市技术比较优势及其演变分析——基于上海市职务发明专利申请的统计分析 被引量:2

Analysis on Technological Comparative Advantage and its Evolution in Shanghai——Based on Analysis on Shanghai Service Invention Patent Application Statistics
摘要 上海市是我国发明专利申请最活跃和技术创新能力最强的城市之一,充分发挥其技术比较优势,不仅有利于其进一步提升技术创新能力,而且也有利于其代表我国在全球科技竞争中占据制高点。本文在对上海职务发明专利申请进行分技术领域统计的基础上,首先对上海职务发明专利申请态势、技术领域分布及其在全国中的地位进行了分析,其次根据其不同技术领域的显性技术比较优势指数,对其技术比较优势及演变进行了研究,最后对上述分析结果的公共政策含义进行了初步探讨。 Shanghai is one of the cities which has most active patent applications and best technological innovation ability. To develop its technological comparative advantage completely not only to the benefit of improving its technological innovation ability, but also helps Shanghai earns the competition of global technology on behalf of China. Based on the statistic of Shanghai service invention patent application in different technological areas, this paper first analyses the situation of Shanghai service invention patent application, the distribution of technological areas and Shanghai' s position in China. Next, according to the index number of explicit technological comparative advantage in different technological areas, the paper studied on its technological comparative advantage and evolution. At last, some discussions about the public policy meaning about the analysis result are included in this article.
出处 《中国青年科技》 2007年第11期6-16,共11页 China Youth Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70373006)资助
关键词 职务发明专利申请 技术比较优势 专利统计 上海 Service inventionpatent application Technologicalcomparative advantage Patentstatistics Shanghai
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