
关于登机时间优化的新模式 被引量:5

New Optimal Mode for Boarding Time
摘要 旅客登机的时间优化问题一直困扰着国内外航班,航空公司希望提高飞机的利用率。采用双栈缓冲并行模式,将旅客分组模式改为组对,利用飞机通道作为临时缓冲区,一次安排一个旅客组对登机入座。仿真结果比当前最佳方案在登机时间上优化34.76%,对提高航空公司收益、改善服务质量和节约运营成本有着十分重要的应用价值。 The boarding problem has been puzzling the domestic and international airlines. They hope that airplane has more time flying to increase the valid utilization of airplane. Adopting Buffering Dual-Stack Pattern (BDSP) to model and analyze the boarding process, using airport channel as the temporary buffer and arranging two groups to board at a time. Comparison of our results with current excellent project shows a 34.76% degree of result in boarding time reduction. By minimizing boarding time, commercial airlines can improve their on-time performance and increase their aircraft utilization and thereby increase profitability.
出处 《中国民航大学学报》 CAS 2008年第2期50-52,共3页 Journal of Civil Aviation University of China
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60372034)
关键词 登机时间 座位干扰 走道干扰 Boarding time Seat Interference: Aisle Interference
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