采用时域仿真方法研究了大型风电场接入电网后的电力系统暂态稳定问题,建立了风力机传动部分两质量块的风力发电机数学模型,用PSAT软件对大容量风电场接入的电力系统进行电网侧故障的暂态仿真,以IEEE 39节点算例进行分析。仿真结果表明,风电场并网后系统的暂态稳定性降低,通过加入TCSC改善了系统的暂态稳定性。
This paper deals with power system transient stability simulation with large scale wind power integration. The drive train of wind turbine is modeled as two mass, and then PSAT is used to build power system simulation model with large scale wind power integration and a three phase fault in system side. An IEEE 39 node simulation example is analyzed. Research results show that power system transient stability is decreased with large scale wind power integration, TCSC is used to improve transient stability.
Water Resources and Power