
一种节点自组织的多层组播体系结构 被引量:2

Architecture of Nodes Self-organized Multilayer Multicast
摘要 在现有组播体系中,IP组播在部署和规模扩展等方面存在很多问题,覆盖组播的效率和健壮性有待改进,大量底层网络技术支持硬件组播,但得不到有效利用。该文提出一种节点自组织的多层组播体系结构(NSMM),将各层组播的优势进行有效整合,论述了NSMM的整体结构及核心组件,与现有体系作了对比分析。 For nowadays multicast technologies,IP multicast is hampered by a host of unresolved problems such as deployment and scalability,overlay multicast is needed to be improved with concerns relating to performance and robustness,a large number of communication systems support hardware multicast,which has never been utilized effectively.This paper presents a novel architecture named Nodes Self-organized Multilayer Multicast(NSMM)to integrate the advantages of related technologies in different layers,introduces the primary design of NSMM,and compares it with existing multicast methods.
作者 林彤 钱华林
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期102-104,107,共4页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家“863”计划基金资助项目(2007AA01Z214) 中国科学院院长特别基金资助项目“基于层次式交换技术的新型互联网体系结构研究”(院基计字1051号)
关键词 组播 多层转发 自组织的多层组播体系结构 multicast multilayer forwarding Nodes Self-organized Multilayer Multicast(NSMM)
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