

Implications of prognostic pessimism in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma admitted to intensive care in the UK within the COPD and asthma outcome study (CAOS) : multicentre observational cohort study
摘要 目的确定临床医生对入住重症监护病房(ICU)的COPD急性加重期患者预后的预测与实际结果是否一致。设计前瞻性队列研究。地点英国92个ICU及3个呼吸机依赖病房。参与者832例COPD或哮喘急性加重或COPD合并哮喘患者,表现气促、呼吸衰竭或精神状态改变,年龄在45岁及以上。结局评估指标由临床医生预测的结果以及实际观察的180天存活率。结果517例患者(62%)存活到180天。临床医生预测的180天存活率却是悲观的,平均只有49%。依照临床医生的预测,1/5预后最差的存活率仅为10%,而实际存活率却是40%。来自于覆盖英国74%的ICU数据库的信息提示,参与研究和未参与研究的ICU并没有实质性差别。在同一个ICU中入选患者与未入选患者的病情相似。结论因为决定COPD或哮喘患者是否需要气管插管,入住ICU取决于临床医生对其预后的预测.因此,一些本也许会生存下来的患者却由于那些没有根据的对其预后的悲观预测,而很可能被拒绝收入ICU。 Objective To determine whether clinicians' prognoses in patients with severe acute exacerbations of obstructive lung disease admitted to intensive care match observed outcomes in terms of survival. Design Prospective cohort study. Setting 92 intensive care units and three respiratory high dependency units in the United Kingdom. Partidpants 832 patients aged 45 years and older with breathlessness, respiratory failure, or change in mental status because of an exacerbation of COPD, asthma, or a combination of the two. Main outcome measures Outcome predicted by clinicians. Observed survival at 180 days. Results 517 patients (62%) survived to 180 days. Clinicians' prognoses were pessimistic, with a mean predicted survival of 49% at 180 days. For the fifth of patients with the poorest prognesis according to the clinician, the predicted survival rate was 10% and the actual rate was 40%. Information from a database covering 74% of intensive care units in the UK suggested no material difference between units that participated and those that did not. Patients recruited were similar to those not recniited in the same units. Condusions Because decisions on whether to admit patients with COPD or asthma to intensive carefor intubation depend on clinicians' prognoses, some patients who might otherwise survive are probably being denied admission because of tmwarranted prognostic pessimism.
出处 《英国医学杂志中文版》 2008年第2期84-86,共3页 The BMJ Chinese Edition
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