

Application of propofol combined with innovar for surgery in thyroid adenoid tumour patients
摘要 目的:探讨异丙酚复合氟芬合剂在甲状腺腺瘤手术麻醉中的作用。方法:将70例甲状腺腺瘤手术病人随机分为两组,实验组在颈丛神经阻滞的基础上,辅以氟芬合剂加异丙酚,对照组则辅以氟芬合剂。分别观察两组病人的收缩压(SP)、舒张压(DP)、心率(HR)、呼吸(RR)和经皮血氧饱和度(SpO2)变化,并观察病人对疼痛不适的反应和停药后被唤醒的时间,以及术中、术后的不良反应。结果:对照组病人术中出现不同程度的疼痛或手术牵拉引起的各种不适感,而实验组病人术中无明显疼痛反应;实验组病人术中的BP、HR、RR及SpO2无明显变化,术后大多数可随时被唤醒。结论:异丙酚复合氟芬合剂用于辅助甲状腺腺瘤手术的麻醉有其独特的优点,是较好的麻醉辅助方法。 Objective:This study was designed to investigate the anesthesia effect of propofol combined with innovar for surgery in thyroid adenoid tumour patients.Methods:Seventy patients with thyroid adenoid tumour were included in this study. They were divided into two groups randomly:experimental group (operated under neck nerve plexus block combined with propofol and irmovar) and control group (operated under neck nerve plexus block combined with irmova), the hypotension was performed with sodium nitropruddide (SNP). The observation on SP,DP,HR,RR and SpO2 had been done in all patients,the awake time after operation was recorded in the experimental group patients.Results:The control group patients had different degree ache or not well feehng, but the experiment patients had no ache during surgical operation;there were no any changes in blood pressure,heart rate,breath and SpO2 in experiment group patients during surgical operation. Most of the experimental group patients could be awakened at any time after operation.Conclusion: Propofol combined with innovar has a good anesthesia effect for surgery in thyroid adenoid tumour patients,and contains its special advantage.
出处 《现代医药卫生》 2008年第10期1448-1450,共3页 Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
关键词 甲状腺 肿瘤 麻醉 Thyroid Adenoid turnout Anesthesia
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