血清样品经正己烷萃取和高速离心除去蛋白质后在低温蒸发浓缩,最终用正己烷定容为10 mL,取10μL试液进样作高效液相色谱测定,所用固定相为Shimpack VP-ODS色谱柱,用乙腈与四氢呋喃混合液(体积比55∶45)及单纯乙腈作流动相先后进行梯度淋洗。在471 nm波长处作吸光光度检测,方法的线性范围为0.01-5.00 mg·L^-1番茄红素。按此方法测定了632份健康人血清中蕃茄红素的含量,在0.06-2.94 mg·L^-1范围内,中位值为0.45 mg·L^-1。对方法的回收率及精密度做了试验,测得回收率在94.4%-99.7%之间,相对标准偏差值(n=6)为7.6%。
Blood serum sample was pretreated by extraction with n-hexane and by high-speed centrifugation to remove protein. The n-hexane extract was concentrated by evaporation under low temperoture, and finally diluted quantitatively to 10 mL with n-hexane. Ten μL of the treated sample solution was used for HPLC analysis. Shimpack VP-ODS column was used as the stationary phase, and a mixture of acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran (mixed in the ratio of 55 to 45 by volume) as well as the acetonitrile alone were used as mobile phase successively in the gradient elution. Photometric detection was made at the wavelength of 471 nm. Linearity range was found from 0. 01 to 5, 00 mg· L^-1 of lycopene. Amount of lycopene found in 632 samples of blood serum taken from healthy persons were in the range of 0. 06-2. 94 mg· L^-1 with the mean value of 0. 45 mg· L^-1. Tests for recovery and precision were made, and values of recovery in the range of 94. 4%-99. 7% as well as value of RSD's (n=6) of 7.6% were obtained.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part B:Chemical Analysis)