目的探讨载脂蛋白AⅠ(apoA Ⅰ)基因-75 bp位点多态性与普伐他汀调脂效果的相关性。方法将83例患者分为口服普伐他汀组(45例)和对照组38例,口服多廿烷醇(又名普利醇)组,于治疗后12周检测血脂水平。采用多聚酶链式反应-限制性内切酶片段长度多态性方法(PCR-RFLP)分析患者apoA Ⅰ基因的-75 bp位点基因型。结果载脂蛋白AⅠ(apoA Ⅰ)基因-75bp位点A/A+G/A基因型服用普伐他汀12周后总胆固醇(TC)降低(P=0.001),差异有统计学意义,而G/G基因型对TC的降低不明显(P=0.083),服用普利醇组的A/A+G/A基因型TC降低的亦不明显(P=0.257),G/G基因型服用普利醇TC降低(P=0.004),差异有统计学意义。结论apoA Ⅰ基因-75 bp位点A/A+G/A基因型与G/G基因型影响高脂血症患者服用普伐他汀降低TC的反应性。
Objective To investigate the relationship between apolipoprotein A Ⅰ (apoA Ⅰ ) gene polymorphism and effects of pravastatin and policosan on regulation of lipid metabolism in hypercholesterolemic individuals. Methods Eighty-three patients with hyperlipidemia were enrolled in and treated with policosan or pravastatin for 12 weeks. The restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPS) ploymorphic sites of MspI was used to detect the -75 bp polymorphisms of apoA I gene in these patients. For all subjects the serum lipids profiles were measured. Results After 12-weeks' treatment with pravastatin, the decrease of triglyceride(TG) with A/A + G/A genotype patients was from (6.66 ± 0. 98 ) mmol/L to ( 6.07 ± 1.02) mmol/L ( P = 0. 001 ), while the decrease of TC with G/G genotype patients was from (6.55 ± 0.75 ) mmol/L to ( 6. 16 ± 0. 75 ) mmol/L ( P = 0. 083 ) ; however, After 12-weeks' treatment with policosan, the decrease of TG with A/A + G/A genotype patients was from (6.54 ± 0. 54 ) mmol/L to (6.34 ± 1.29) mmol/L ( P = 0.257), while the decrease of TC with G/G genotype was from (6.60 ± 0. 76) mmol/L to (6. 12 ± 0. 71 ) mmol/L(P = 0. 004). Conclusion APOA-Ⅰ polymorphisms are correlated with variations in serum triglyceride concentrations in hypercholesterolemic individuals. Our results suggest that the A/A + G/A polymorphism of the apoA-Ⅰ promoter region is correlated with the decrease of serum cholesterol level in response to pravastatin treatment and the G/G polymorphism is correlated with decrease of serum cholesterol in response to policosan treatment.
Journal of Capital Medical University