赤拟谷盗是世界性仓库害虫。本研究采用环境扫描电镜研究了不同胚胎发育期卵的表面结构及胚胎发育过程,特别是研究了丁香及其化学成分对赤拟谷盗卵的毒杀作用。研究表明赤拟谷盗卵呈椭圆形,表面光滑;发育60 h时,卵的一端已经明显出现分化;发育76 h时,已经可以见到头部发育完整的幼虫;至92 h时,卵已经开始孵化。丁香处理的赤拟谷盗卵,部分卵能发育为幼虫,但幼虫均不能正常孵化而死亡。其中,发育12 h后用丁香处理的赤拟谷盗卵不能发育为幼虫而干瘪死亡,发育36 h后用丁香处理的卵虽能部分发育为幼虫,但幼虫全部在卵壳内死亡,发育84 h后用丁香处理的卵,部分幼虫在孵化时死亡。目前主要用化学防护剂和熏蒸剂防治储藏害虫,用植物源的丁香控制赤拟谷盗具有较大的应用价值。
The red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) is a worldwide pest of stored product. Using scanning electron microscope, we observe the egg surface morphology and embryonic developmental process of the pest. Especially, we study the effect of the clove Syzygium aromaticum for the killing of red flour beetle egg. The normally developed egg was ellipse with smooth surface in shape. The 60 h-old egg has differentiated at one end of the egg observed from outside, 76 h-old egg has developed the larval shape and 92 h- old egg begins to hatch. Eggs treated with clove could partially develop to larvae, but all of these larvae died as they could not normally hatch. Among various treatments, 12 h-old eggs treated with clove could not develop into larvae and so died. Some of 36 h-old eggs treated with clove could develop to larvae, but could not hatch or so died in egg shell, and 84 h-old eggs treated with clove could complete its embryonic development, but the larvae in the shell would die while hatching. The control of stored product pests, at present, mainly still depends on chemical protectants and fumigants, and the finding in the effect of the clove for the control of the red flour beetle is of potential significance in stored product protection.
Journal of Chongqing Normal University:Natural Science
Syzygium aromaticum
Tribolium castaneum
embryonic development