本文介绍了一种基于PDA等移动计算平台和CF接口技术的诱发电位测试系统的设计。这种诱发电位测试系统在PDA等移动计算设备的CF接口基础上,设计出工作于IO模式的CF+卡,并编写出运行于Windows CE等移动操作系统平台上的设备驱动程序和数据采集、处理程序,完成诱发电信号的产生和诱发电位的采集。系统对输入的模拟信号进行调理,A/D转换后,进行数字信号处理,处理结果显示在PDA上。本系统硬件设计简洁,软件支持完善,能够满足各种诱发电位生理研究的需要。
This paper mainly introduces a design for system of evoked potentials detecting base on technology of mobile computing platform and CF interface. The CF + card in IO mode base on the mobile computing equipments and its CF interface was designed, the driver and application software on Windows CE platform was also written at the same time. The system with these hardware and software will perform the task of generating evoked signals and sampling evoked potentials signals.The work for designing hardware is much simply and the platform for developing software is much completely. The system can meet the research needs in many fields of evoked potentials signals.
Medical Equipment