
论中世纪英国教会的婚姻家庭法 被引量:2

On Marriage and Family Law in the Medieval British Canon Law
摘要 伴随着西罗马帝国的灭亡,基督教会在中世纪的西欧逐渐取得相对独立的地位,并在一个相当长的历史时期对当时人们的生活产生了极其重要的影响。这种影响表现在法律领域便是一种所谓教会法的问世,由此反映出基督教会对于当时世俗生活的积极引导抑或干预。其中,教会的婚姻家庭法构成了教会法的一个重要的部分。英国的基督教化的历史始于公元597年。从此,英国与这一宗教即结下了不解之缘。英国统一的教会组织体系建立于盎格鲁—撒克逊时期。但是,自征服者威廉一世禁止百户区法院受理宗教案件后,英国才出现独立的教会法院并开始了对婚姻家庭等方面的积极干预。 With the decline of the Roman Empire, the Christian church got a rather independent position in medieval Western Europe gradually and had a vast influence to the people during that particular time. This influence in the legal field means the growth of the Canon Law thus reflecting the Church's active leadership or involvement towards the secular life. Marriage and family law consists of an important part of the Canon Law. The history of Christianization in England started in 597. Since then, England had a somewhat close contact with this religion. The unified church system established in Anglo-Saxon Britain. But the independent church courts appeared andtook part in the marriage and family actively only after William I the Conqueror prohibited the Hundreds to hear the ecclesiastical cases.
作者 郭义贵
出处 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期140-148,共9页 The Jurist
关键词 中世纪 英国教会 婚姻家庭法 middle ages britain church conjugal family law
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