在旧金山入关的时候,海关得知我们的目的地是拉斯维加斯,几乎对我们每一个人说了一句:“Happy Gambling!”是的,我们要去的就是这样一座城市,位居全球四大赌城之首的拉斯维加斯。
People said"Happy Gambling"to almost everyone of us when we went to Las Vegas from the custom of San Francisco——No.1 of Top4 famous gambling cities in the world. The triennial show,CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2008,was hold from Mar.11^(th)to 15^(th),2008,in the exhibition centre of Las Vegas.It is one of 3 largest exhibitions in world construction machinery industry and was also called"relaxing exhibition".Las Vegas is such a beautiful city that you can consider work and relaxing as the same. Actually speaking,the influence of the city highly exceeds the exhibition,so we not only took part in the exhibition, but also abandoned to Las Vegas.
Construction Machinery & Maintenance