It's really became a hot topic to increase the efficiency in a database system with large amount of data and high intensity of incoming requests. This study is also based in a large stock trade system using relational database which may be stuck by some disk writing operation like updates or commitment in some transactions. The goal is to pick up some principles of memory and real-time database building up a memory ( main memory) based mechanism for this system to increase the efficiency of data processing and operations for customers, without corrupting the construction and throwing out bulks of money to buy a real-time database. The study is worked with an real project, and confirm ed to a basic flow of software engineering. In requirements analysis step, the request and the rate of the process of data are gotton, analyzed the possibility and read lots of materials. In design step, the table which to be put into main memory referenced to the current system is selected out, and optimized configuration parameters. Meanwhile some indexes using RBTrees, and a rule for transaction and transformation are created. In the rate and intensity test afterward, time times' upgrade in writing processes, and at least 3 times for the whole trade processes are trusted. At last had thought about the problem in maintenance steo in order to draw a long live to this system.
Science Technology and Engineering
trade system relation database memory table red-black tree index time data parameter selection software engineering