

Research on Ontology Learning of Metadata-based Teaching Resource
摘要 以教育部网络课程为对象,在元数据基础上进行本体学习的研究,提出了基于元数据的半自动本体学习方法,并对学习算法和实现进行了阐述。该方法适当屏蔽了知识本身的多样性和复杂性,降低了本体学习研究的难度,同时却增加了本体学习的有效性和实用性。 On ontology learning based metadata of teaching resource is researched, mainly about network curriculum of Ministry of Education, and a semiautomatic learning method of ontology based metadata is proposed, and the learning algorithm and the realization of it are alaborated. This method shielded the complexity and multiplicity of the knowledge appropriately, and reduced the difficulty of the research, simul taneously, and increased the validity and usability of the ontology learning.
作者 贾小林
出处 《科学技术与工程》 2008年第9期2402-2404,2410,共4页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 西南科技大学青年基金(ZK2004011014)资助
关键词 半自动 学习算法 概念抽取 知识体系 semiautomatic learning arithmetic conception extraction knowledge structure
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