在介绍了ZigBee技术和IEEE 802.15.4标准的基础上,分析了ZigBee协议和网络拓扑结构;以AT91sam7s64和CC2420设计了一种通用的ZigBee无线传感器网络节点,并详细分析了各部分的硬件组成。实践表明,节点组成的网络系统性能稳定、功耗低,可广泛应用于信号采集于传输等领域。
It introduced ZigBee technique and IEEE802.15.4 standard, and analyzed ZigBee protocol and topological structure. Based on AT91samTs64 and CC2420, a general kind of ZJgBee node was designed, and each part of hardware was analyzed. The practice shows that the node-made network system has stable performance and low power dissipation, and it can be applied in the field of data acquisition and transmission.