An attempt had been made to estimate the soil organic carbon contents and soil proportion under two typical land-use types including pine forest and corn field located at the boundary between the Yellow Sea and Bohai in southern Lvshun. The results showed that the difference of the soil organic carbon contents at two typical land-use types was highly significant (P 〈 0.01 ) and the total soil organic content of pine forest (3.57%) are higher than that of corn field (2.41%). But the soil proportion of corn field (2.67 g·cm^-3) is higher than that of pine forest (2.55 g· cm^-3). The enrichment modulus of different levels soil organic carbon showed that the soll organic carbon mainly enriched in the surface soil (0~20cm). Contents of soil organic carbon decreased with soil depth increasing,while the soll proportion reversed. Also, the soil proportion was high while the soil organic carbon content was low. There was a Rpiowfaons^2= 0.9297,Rconseld^2 =0.921 significant positive relationship between soil organic carbon and soil proportion (Rpine forest Room field 4). It is suggested that woodland has a great potential in making a significant contribution to C storage and environment improvement.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology