Objective ;To establish an animal model similar to human type 2 diabetes mellitus in Guangxi Bama minipigs induced by high-sucrose and high-fat diet and to investigate the pathologic change of left kidney in diabetic minipigs. Methods :Ten male Guangxi Bama minipigs were randomly divided into two groups with similar body weight (control diet group and high-sucrose/high-fat group, n= 5). At the end of 5 months, minipigs were sacrificed. Each left kidney was removed and weighed up, and calculated the kidney weight index (left kidney weight/body weight ratio, g/ kg). A part of kidney tissues were sampled for histopathologieal examination with HE and PAS staining. Results :In high-sucrose/high-fat fed miniature pigs, part of glomerular capillaries were hypertrophic with thickened glomerular basement membranee, increased mesangial area and augment of extraeellular matrix. Few of glomerular capillaries were fibrotie with destroyed structure of the glomerular capsule. The thickened wall, proliferation of smooth muscle cell and narrowed lumen were observed within interlobular artery. There was no obvious change in renal histology in CD-fed minipigs. Conclusion:Feeding high-sucrose/high-fat diet to Guangxi Bama minipigs can induce typical earlystage pathologic change of kidney, which is similar to histological features of human type 2 diabetic nephropathy. K
Acta Medicinae Sinica