记述了盲蝽科盲蝽亚科异草盲蝽属Heterolygus Zheng et Yu 1新种,郑氏异草盲蝽Heterolygus zhengi sp.nov.,模式标本采于我国四川省炉霍。发现了盲蝽科合垫盲蝽亚科昧盲蝽属Mecomma Fieber陕西昧盲蝽Mecomma shaanxiensis Liuet Yamamoto的短翅型雌性,并进行了描述。标本均保存于内蒙古师范大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫标本馆。
A new species of the genus Heterolygus Zheng et Yu, 1990 is described from Luhu County, Sichuan Province. Brachypterous female of Mecomma shaanxiensis Liu et Yamamoto, 21304 is found and described. All the type specimens and the observed materials are deposited in the collection of College of Life Sciences & Technology, Inner Mongofia Normal University. Measurements are given in millimeters. Heterolygus zhengi sp, nov. (Figs.1-10) Body elongate, plane, dark brown to black, and with adpressed brown curly pubescences and uniform punctadons. Male head black, sometime bucctdae dark brown, dypeus narrowly yellowish brown distally. Obliquely transverse striations on front slighdy carina-like, which more obvious because exist of adpreesed light brown hairs. Hairs on the bucculae, dypeus, front, middle and posterior margin of vertex pointed forward. There is a hairless and smooth area each near compound eyes. Surface of the Gompound eyes granulated, chesmut with inner lower and around part brown, and usually with reddish brown color. Female head brown to black, forming black "X" patterns on front and vertex if brown, sometime middle of dypeus black. Male antennae blackish brown, with light brown hairs, 1^st and 2^nd antennal segments thicker than 3^rd and 4^th ones, base of 2^nd segment slender, and then becoming thicker distally. Female antennae brown to blackish brown, distal 2/3 of 2^nd segment blackish brown. Rostrum dark brown, with its apex reach between hind coxa. Pronomm blackish brown to black, with posteriorlateral angle and posterior margin narrowly light colored. Anterior margin of collar slight light colored, with almost erect light brown curly hairs which pointed to middle forward. Suberect hairs on pronotum denser and longer,but sparser on discus. Scutellum blackish brown to black, basal half with transverse mgae, subapical part slight concave, dorsal of apex convex like a bright small tuber. Female pronotum sometime dark brown, but calli black. Scutellum dark brown, and with a large triangular blackish brown pattern on the middle. Hemelytra uniformly blackish brown, with adpressed light brown curly pubescence which form irregular bright hair spots. Membrane brownish grey and base of veins blackish brown, with 2 light colored and semitransparent spots near to apex of cuneus and on middle near to outer margin. Female hemelytra sometime brown to blackish brown. Hind femora blackish brown, with suberect light brown hairs which on their posterior margin almost as long as width of the femur. Basal 2/5 andapical 1/5 of tibia dark brown, middle 2/5 light brown, with suberea light brown short hairs. Tarsus dark brown, with majority part of 3rd segment blackish brown. Venter of thorax blackish brown to black, ostiola peritreme yellowish white. Venter of abdomen dark brown and with adpressed light brown short hairs. Body of right paramere slighdy spinculate near base and haired laterally, with hypophysis obliquely pointed ( Figs. 1-3 ). Left paramere sickle-like, sensory lobe spinculate, body haired, and hypophysis scoop-like (Figs.4-5). Vesica hand-like, with three longer finger- like membrane lobes and several small nubble-like ones, almost transparent and without any spicule and sderite (Figs. 6-7). PhaUotheca robust ( Fig. 8). Body length 5.85-6.15, width 2.25-2.85. Head length 0.45-0.60, width 1.05, vertex width 0.45, length of antennal segment Ⅰ 0.60, length of antennal segment Ⅱ 1.43-1.58, length of antennal segment Ⅲ 0.72-0.78, length of antennal segment Ⅳ 0.72-0.75.Pronomm length 0.90-0.98, width 1.95-2.10, collar length 0.09-0.11, scutellum length 0.90, width 1.05. Hemelytron length: corium 2.32-2.40, clavus 1.88- 2.03, cuneus 0.90-0.98, membrane 0.98-1.05. Holotype ♂, Luhuo County (3 500 m), Sichuan Province, 16 Aug. 2006, SHI Fu-Ming leg. Paratypes: 25 ♂♂ , 38 ♀♀, same date as holotype. All deposited in the collection of College of Life Sciences & Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University. Distribution. Sichuan Province, China. Etymology. The new species is named after surname of Professor ZHENG Zhe-Min. This new species is similar to H. davicornia (Reuter, 1906) and H. fusconiger Zheng et Yu, 1990, but differs in the hand-like vesica consisting of three longer finger-like membrane lobes and several small nubble-like ones, and without any spicule and sclerite. Mecomma shaanxiensis Liu et Yarnamoto, 2004 (Fig. 11) Brachypterous. Body elongate ovate, black, slight glossy, with suberect light brown hairs and irregular shallow and rough punctations. Head black, almost vertical, with erect and suberect light brown fine hairs which on lower front pointed forward. There is a small brown spot each near compound eye on vertex. Surface of the compound eyes gramflate, brownish grey, with irregular black color spots and very short hairs. 1^st antennal segment brown, shorter than or as long as width of the vertex, with adpressed short hairs and several erect longer hairs length of which about equal to that of width of this segment. 2^nd antennal segment black, long claviform, slightly longer than the length of head and pronotum together, with suberect brown hairs. Basal half of 3^rd antennal segment brown and apical half and whole 4^th segment black, with suberect light colored short hairs. Rostrum brown, slightly with orange red color, majority part of 4^th segment black with apex reach between hind coax. Pronotum bell-form, with adpressed and suberect dark colored hairs, lateral margin inner curved and posterior margin concaved forward. Calli large and raised but lower between calfi forming a longitudinal groove. Discus with rough transverse rugae. Anterior-lateral angle with several erect long hairs. Scutellum plane, with adpressed dark brown short hairs and fine transverse rugae, middle slight transversely concave. Hemelytra elytron-like, covered with adpressed short hairs and suberect longer brown hairs. Lateral margin of clavus indistinctly visible. Outer margin of hemelytron semicircle, thicker, with brown hairs, apex reaches only to posterior margin of 3^rd visible abdomen segment. Leg brown. Femur with adpressed brown hairs which suberect and longer on apex. Tibia with light colored short hairs and suberects light colored tibial spines. Apex of 3^rd tarsal segment and whole pretarsus dark brown. Abdominal region wider. Visible 4^th abdominal segment and that after it exposed. Middle of urotergite convex, joint part with connexivum concave, with adpressed fight colored short hairs which are longer and denser on last abdominal segments and the connexivum. Venter of abdomen black and brilliant. Body length 3.45-3.60, width 1.50-1.73. Head length (dorsal view) 0.45, width 1.05, vertex 0.45- 0.48, length of antennal segment Ⅰ0.45, length of antennal segment Ⅱ 1.43-1.50, length of antennal segment Ⅲ 1.13, length of antennal segment Ⅳ 0.45. Pronotum length 0.60, width 0.89-1.05, scutellum length 0.36, width 0.68, calli length 0.30. Hemelytron length 1.25. Length of exposed part of abdomen 0.90- 0.98. Observed materials. 3♂♂, 4♀♀, Xunyangha (3 000m), Shaaxi Province, 27 Aug. 2001, QI Bao- Ying leg. All deposited in the collection of College of Life Sciences & Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University. Distribution. Shaaxi Province, China.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica