记述中国昆仑山脉中齿足条蜂亚属Petalosternon 1新种,纳赤台条蜂Anthophora(Petalosternon)nachitaiensis sp.nov.;同时给出中国齿足条蜂亚属6个物种雄性的分种检索表。新种模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。
Anthophora (Petalosternon) nachitaiensis sp. nov. is described from Kunlun Mountains. A key is given to males of Chinese species of the subgenus Petalostemon. The holotype is deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sdences, Beijing. Anthophora (Petalosternon) nachitaiensis sp. nov. (Figs. 1-8) Male. Body moderate sized, length 10 mm. Head, thorax, T1 and outer side of all legs with long white hairs; the basal part of the mesoscutum with some long blackish brown hairs; fore and mid tibiae with light-golden kairs; the inner side of fore tarsi, 1-4 middle tarsomeres and 1-4 hind tarsomeres with golden hairs; the inner side of middle disfitarsus and hind disfitarsus with white hairs, outer side of which with blackish brown hairs; hind tibiae with blackish brown short hairs; T2-T6 with sparse white hairs. Following parts of head yellow: labrum ( except for a blackish brown spot at the basal part of each side), clypeus (except for a black spot at each side), inner apex of the para-ocular area, transverse spot on the supradypeal area, outer side of scape; mesoscutum aerugo with metallic reflections; stigma, scuteUum, propodeum and T1 with bluish green metallic reflections; metanotum purple-brown with metallic reflections; all wings translucent, veins of forewing strong brown; outer side of T2-T6 and all femora, tibiae, distitarsi dull blue with metallic reflections; the inner side of all legs and the outer side of 1-4 tarsomeres strong brown, without metallic reflections. Head wider than long, but as wide as to thorax; compound eyes wider than germ in lateral view of head; each mandible with one pointed tooth; clypeus strongly convex; frontal labmm concave, labmm with sparse and irregular punctures; antennae long, reaching propodeum; the outer side scape convex in the middle, inner side of it concave; flagellum truncate apically, inner side of each flagellum convex; the surface of mesoscumm, scutellum and rnetanotum smooth and shiny, with slight punctures; scutellum long, 5 times longer than metanotum; scutellum, metanotum and propodeum at the same plane (lateral view); basal part of propodeum without rugae; hind femora slightly strong, with the outer side convex, inner side concave; hind basitarsomeres wide, 2 times longer than wide (except for the produced tooth), the inner side of hind basitarsomeres with one produced tooth at 2/3 from the base (Fig.4); fore distitarsomeres slightly enlarged; middle distitarsomeres strongly enlarged (Fig.3), hind distitarsorneres slightly enlarged and long. The metasoma broad and flat, T2 is the widest, the last segments become slenderer; all terga of metasoma with slight punctures, sparse in central area and dense in the both edge sides; lateral extremity of T7 (Fig.5) fiat, but slightly concave in the middle; T7-T8 and genital segment see Figs. 6-8. This species is similar to A. (P.) hansenii, but it can be distinguished from the latter by following features: 1 ) body with metallic reflections; 2) face yellow. Holotype ♂, Nachitai, Geermu, Province, 3 700 m, 8 July 2007, HUANG Hai-Rong. Distribution. China, Qinghai. Floral associations. Unknown. Etymology. The name of the new species is derived from the locality where the holotype was collected.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica