
冷战后中美在联合国大会投票行为及影响因素研究(1991-2006年) 被引量:5

A Study of the Sino-US UNGA Voting Behavior(1991-2006)
摘要 联合国投票研究对于深入研究中美双边关系有着非常重要的意义,本文通过考察冷战结束后中美两国在联合国大会的投票情况,对三种可能的影响因素进行了实证检验,发现冷战结束后中美在联合国大会的投票主要遵循了两国在既定议题的政策原则,没有受到两国综合国力变化、世界银行的贷款援助和中美关系波动的影响,这是因为冷战结束以后中美两国没有把联合国大会作为大国博弈的场所。 It is of great imporance of the study of the voting behavior of China and the United States in the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA).In this article we review the voting record in the UNGA after the Cold War(from 1991 to 2006)and carry out tests with respect to three factors that may possibly affect the voting coincidence.The results demonstrate that the change of national power,World Bank loan and the fluctuation of bilateral relationship have no significant relationship to the Sino-Us voting coincidence,which indicates that the voting behavior of the two countries conforms mainly to other factors such as consistency of policies on the specific issues in the UNGA.
作者 戴颖
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期48-54,共7页 International Forum
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