

Class-D Complementary Symmetry Amplifier
摘要 用两个相同的D类放大器构成的对称互补电路能极大地抑制D类放大器的输出纹波并提高D类放大器的效率。计算机仿真结果表明,互补对称式D类放大器抑制输出纹波作用明显。 The complementary symmetry circuit composed by two Class-D amplifiers can extremely restrain output ripple of only one Class-D amplifier. The energy-converted efficiency is further promoted. The simulating results show that the complementary symmetry circuit composed by Class-D amplifier can restrain the output ripples.
作者 舒国皓
机构地区 西昌学院设备处
出处 《电声技术》 2008年第4期15-18,共4页 Audio Engineering
关键词 D类放大器 互补对称电路 纹波 效率 Class-D amplifier complementary symmetry circuit ripple efficiency
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