
基于双域状态分类的音乐信号差错隐藏方法 被引量:2

Error Concealment for Music Signal Based on Status Classification in Both Time and Frequency Domain
摘要 音频差错隐藏是一种差错掩盖技术,针对重叠变换编码系统中长帧(>40ms)音乐信号的差错,提出了一种基于重叠残留信息的状态分类差错隐藏方法,以较低的处理延迟解决了长帧差错掩盖问题。提供了一种参考ITU-RBS.1534标准的主观质量评价方法,评价结果显示提供的新方法在音乐信号的长帧差错掩盖中有较好的处理效果和较低的处理延迟。 Audio error concealment is a technique of error masking based on psychoacoustics. A novel method of error concealment which is suitable for a long time error(bad frame length〉40 ms) in lapped transform coding system is proposed. It consists of a stage of status classification and the residual information of the bad frame that is from the lapped part in the last good frame. A subjective quality evaluation method by the audio quality evaluation standards ITU-R BS.1534 is proposed. The testing result gives us natural hearing sensation and reports a low calculation delay.
出处 《电声技术》 2008年第4期52-56,共5页 Audio Engineering
关键词 差错隐藏 长帧 插值 差错帧 音频重建 error concealment long frame length interpolation corrupted frame audio restoration
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