
大面积CdS薄膜的沉积及其性质研究 被引量:2

Preparation and properties of CdS thin films with large area
摘要 采用化学水浴法(CBD)在30 cm×40 cm TCO衬底上沉积了CdS多晶薄膜,研究了薄膜性质,并应用于太阳能光伏电池,制成了许多独立的小面积CdS/CdTe薄膜太阳电池.结果表明:刚沉积的CdS多晶薄膜性质具有较好的均匀性,适宜于制作大面积CdS/CdTe薄膜太阳电池组件. The CdS thin films were prepared by chemical bath deposition (CBD) on 30 cm×40 cm size TCO substrates and the properties of these thin films were investigated by XRD, AFM and optical transmittance spectra. A number of isolated single CdS/CdTe thin film solar cells with small area were obtained and then studied by I-V characteristic measurements. The results indicate that properties of as-deposited CdS thin films are homogeneous, and these films are suitable for fabricating large area CdS/CdTe solar modules.
出处 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期387-390,共4页 Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家高技术研究与发展计划(2003AA513010) 四川省科技攻关项目(05GG021-003-3 2006Z02-002) 四川省科技支撑计划(2008GZ0027)
关键词 CDS薄膜 均匀性 CDTE太阳电池 CdS thin films, uniformity, CdTe solar cells
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