
构建研究能力:新西兰毛利人的案例 被引量:1

Building Indigenous Research Capability Through Higher Education the Māori Example in New Zealand
摘要 本文论述了培养与社区紧密联系、对毛利人事业发展做出贡献的毛利研究生和研究者所面临的挑战,同时阐述了作者担任毛利研究中心主任时作为一个教育者和研究者所做的工作。对于像毛利这样的人口较少的原住民来说,培养其研究能力具有多重挑战,这些挑战包括毛利中学生的低学业成就、缺乏具有最高学术成就的榜样、缺乏对其自身的认同、语言和社区的联系和缺乏在边缘化的本土社区进行研究的可信度。这些情况是系统性的,与殖民主义和边缘化的影响有关。本文将探讨毛利人在高等教育遇到的挑战和获得的成就。并与研究能力的开发联系起来。 This paper addresses the challenges of training indigenous Māori post graduate and aca- demic researchers who can work with communities and contribute to Māori development.The paper draws on my work as an educationist and researcher and as a former Joint Director of a Māori Centre of Research Excellence.There are multiple challenges faced in building research capability for a minority indigenous group such as Māori.These challenges include the under-achievement of students in secondary schools,the lack of indigenous role models who have achieved academic suc- cess at the highest levels and arc still connected to their own identity,language and community,and the lack of credibility of research in indigenous and marginalised communities.Furthermore these is- sues are systemic and related to the impact of colonisation and marginalisation.Training 500 Māori to achieve doctoral degrees is one example of a number of successful programmes being developed by Māori to address these challenges.This paper will provide insights on the challenges and achieve- ments of Māori people in higher education as it relates to research capability development.
出处 《北京大学教育评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期57-66,共10页 Peking University Education Review
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