
美人之死:人类和自然的抗衡与较量 被引量:4

Death of a Beauty: The Wrestle between Man and Nature
摘要 霍桑的短篇名作《胎记》中的胎记是自然的化身和女性意识的代表,在故事中扮演着极为重要的角色。阿尔默对胎记的去除象征着人类与自然的殊死抗衡与较量,而这种抗衡往往是以牺牲女性的利益甚至生命为代价的。以往对该作品的研究恰恰忽略了阿尔默对胎记强行征服的生态涵义和胎记的手印形状以及颜色变化的特殊寓意。本文拟以此为焦点,重新解读《胎记》,深入挖掘作品浓厚、超前的生态女性主义思想。 In Hawthorne's short story The Birthmark, birthmark is an incarnation of nature and a representation of female conscience, Actually, it plays a key role in the whole story, Alymer' s mad efforts to eliminate birthmark symbolizes man' s des- perate wrestle against nature, and in most cases, it is at the cost of the benefit even lives of women, The research es done before, however, ignored the very ecological meaning of Alymer' s conquer of birthmark and the special moral of its hand-like shape and changes in color. So this paper aims at exploring the profound and forerunning eeo-feminist ideology of The Birthmark through fo- cusing on the interpretation of the above points.
作者 史永红
出处 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2008年第4期66-71,共6页 Journal of Beijing International Studies University
基金 浙江省社科联研究课题<生态女性主义文学批评的理论与实践>(项目编号07N26) 浙江省教育厅科研项目<二十世纪英美小说的生态女性主义研究>(项目编号20070193)系列成果之一
关键词 《胎记》 自然 人类 抗衡 生态女性主义思想 The Birthmark nature man wrestle eco-feminist ideology
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  • 1Carol Adams, Neither Man Nor Beast : Feminism and the Defense of Animals (New York: Crossroads/Continuum,1994).
  • 2Carol Bigwood, Earth Muse: Feminism, Nature, Art (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993).
  • 3Leonie Caldecott and Stephanie Leland, ed. , Reclaim the Earth: Women Speak Out for Life on Earth (London:Women's Press, 1983).
  • 4Andree Collard and Joyce Contrucci, Rape of the Wild :Man's Violence Against Animals and the Earth ( Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989).
  • 5Greta Gaard, ed., Ecofeminism: Women, Animals,:Nature (Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1993).
  • 6Greta Gaard and Patrick D. Murphy, eds. , Ecofeminist Literary Criticism: Theory, Interpretation, Pedagory (Urbana: University Of Illinois Press, 1998).
  • 7Susan Griffin, "Split Culture", REVISION 9 (Winter/Spring 1987) : 17 - 23.8. Griffin, Woman and Nature,The Roaring Inside Her (San Francisco: Harper & Row,1978).
  • 8Elizabeth Dodson Gray, Green Paradise Lost (Wellesley,Mass. : Roundtable Press, 1981).
  • 9Hypatia, Special Issue on ecological feminism, vol. 6, no. 1 (Spring 1991).
  • 10Ynestra King, "The Ecology of Feminism and the Feminism of Ecology", in Healing the Wounds : The Promise of Ecofeminism, ed., Judith Plant (Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1989), pp. 18 - 28.











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