Tranquility was smashed in Lhasa,capital city of Tibet Autonomous Region,on March 14.Armed with stones,bricks and sticks,the rioters left a trail of crimes,including beat- ings,smashings,lootings and arson,victimizing ordinary residents in the city.How did the violence happen? And
Tranquility was smashed in Lhasa, capital city of Tibet Autonomous Region, on March 14. Armed with stones, bricks and sticks, the rioters left a trail of crimes, including beatings, smashings, lootings and arson, victimizing ordinary residents in the city. How did the violence happen? And what was the impact? On March 24, Beijing Review reporter Feng Jianghua interviewed Tanzen Lhundup, Research Fellow and Vice Director at the Social and Economics Institute, China Tibetology Research Center.