This paper reports the effects of temperature, salinity and feed on survival rate and growth of young fish of Tilapia sp.In respiration experiment, the fish were exposed to water of salinity of 0‰, 16‰ and 31‰ at water temperature of 17-18℃, the results show, that young fish were not able to adaptate rapid and severe change of salinity, when they were put into water of 31‰ salinity from freshwater, respiration metabolism is imbalanced and all fish died within one day. In water of salinity of 0 ‰ and 16‰, survival rate is very high (>85%). Results of growth experiment indicated, that the difference of growth rate of fish reared in water with salinity of 0‰ and 16‰ at 20-25℃ or at 30℃ is' nt Significance. Effect of temperature on growth of young fish is quite obvious. Optimal water temperature for the growth of young fish is 35℃ At 35℃ growth rate was greater, than that of 20-25℃ at Salinity of 25-55‰. Experiment on the effect of food type on growth shows, that animal feed increaced growth by 40-70% than the pellet.
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology