
3~5岁儿童不同发音部位塞音的听觉识别研究 被引量:8

A study on the auditory identification of the stops of different places of articulation in 3~5-year-old children
摘要 目的考察健听儿童不同发音部位塞音的听觉识别能力,探究其影响因素以及发展特点。方法抽取88名3~5岁儿童,采用最小音位对比法研究他们b/d、b/g、d/g、p/t、p/k、t/k6对塞音音位对的听觉识别能力。结果儿童塞音的听觉识别能力受年龄、送气方式和发音部位三大因素影响;随着年龄增长,儿童6对塞音音位对的听觉识别能力均表现出不同程度的发展;不送气塞音的发展明显好于送气塞音的发展;不送气塞音中,双唇音/舌根音的发展明显好于舌尖音/舌根音;送气塞音中,双唇音/舌根音的发展明显好于双唇音/舌尖音。结论3~5岁是健听儿童塞音听觉识别能力的高速发展期,在听觉康复实践中应把握关键期,参照b/g-b/d-d/g-p/k-t/k-p/t的顺序对听障儿童进行塞音听觉识别能力的训练。 Objective To explore the developmental features and influencing factors of normal children's auditory identification of stops of different places of articulation. Methods 88 subjects of 3 -5 years old were randomly selected. The children's identification ability for six phoneme pairs (b/d, b/g, d/g, p/t, p/k, and t/k) was studied through Chinese minimal phoneme contrast test. Results The children's auditory identification for stops of different places of articulation was influenced by ages, aspiration method and place of articulation. With the age increasing, children's identification ability for six phoneme pairs developed. The children's identification of unaspirated stops was apparently better than that of aspirated stops. Among unaspirated stops, children's identification of bilabial/velar was obviously better than that of alveolar/velar while among aspirated stops, children's identification of bilabial/velar was significantly better than that of bilabial/alveolar. Conclusion The period of 3-5 years old is important for stop identification. In the practice of auditory rehabilitation, we should grasp the critical period to carry out auditory identification training with reference to the sequence of b/g-b/d-d/q-p/k-t/k-p/t.
出处 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2008年第3期39-42,共4页 Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
关键词 塞音 最小音位对比 听觉识别 Stops Minimal phoneme contrast Auditory identification
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