获得准确的同步电机参数是研究、分析电力系统运行和控制系统设计的前提。为解决当前在工程实际应用中瞬态参数求解的方法中所存在的数据处理精度不高、误差大等问题,引入一种具有一定抗噪能力的迭代Prony算法。Prony算法直接提供按指数规律衰减信号中各种分量的频率和幅值,更加切合电力系统暂态变量的特点。运用该算法对同步电机的瞬态进行参数辨识。数值仿真分析表明,在过滤了直流分量和信噪比20 dB的情况下,该方法能精确地辨识出同步电机的瞬态参数,因此,也验证了该算法的有效性。该方法有进一步研究和工程应用价值。
It is analysing the opera save the problem t transient parameter the premise to obtain accurate synchromotor parameter for studying and tion of the power system and for the designing for the controlling system. To hat there are poor accuracy and big erro in practical engineering application,an ire rs in datum processing by way of rative Pony method that resists the noise is introduced. It is more suitable to power system transient the frequency and magnitude of all modes which damp exponentia identify the transient parameter of synchronous motors,the resu variables by directly lly. When the mothed providing is used to It of simulation has proved the validity and feasibility of the method. When DC exponent is filtered and the rate of noise to signal is 20 dB,the method can identify the transient parameter of synchronous motors accurately.
Journal of Electric Power
parameter identification
synchronous motor
iterative prony method