Objective To detect the prevalence trend of children's overweight and obesity during 1999 -2004 in primary schools of Shanghai urban. Methods ①Data of gender, birthday, height and weight were collected for 25 981 chidren ( 13 220 boys and 12 761 girls) in 1999, and 21 730 children ( 11 271 boys and 10 459 girls) in 2004 from primary schools of Shanghai. ②Overweight and obesity are respectively defined as 110% - 120% and ≥ 120% of P50 of weight -for- height. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is analyzed by Shanghai references and WHO references as well. ③BMI Z score ( BMI - Z) of every case was calculated by the formula z score = [ (BMI/M)^ L - 1 ]/( L · S). The L, M and S values are from Shanghai BMI references for age 0 -18 years. ④The means of height, weight, BMI and BMI -Z of children in 1999 and in 2004 for every age interval were compared by t - test. Results ①The mean heights of boys and girls changed little during the 5 years. Mean weights of boys and girls increased during the 5 years. There was statistic difference for weight in every age interval of boys except in age 6, and statistic diffrence in higher age intervals for girls. Mean BMIs of children also increased and there was statistic difference in every age interval except in age 6. ②By Shanghai references, the prevalence rates of overweight and obesity of boys increased from 13. 1% and 14.0% of 1999 to 14.5% and 17.0% of 2005, and those of girls increased from 13.3% and 11.2% of 1999 to 14. 1% and 12.7% of 2004. The prevalence rates of overweight and obesity for boys and girls in every age interval have increased. ③The mean BMI - Z scores increased from about zero in 1999 to about 0. 1 in 2004. There was statistic difference in every age interval except for age of 6. Distribution frequency curve of BMI Z score has markedly shift to right during 5 years, especially for boys. Conclusion The secular increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in primary schools is remarkble from 1999 to 2004, and at a high level with rapid progress.
Chinese Preventive Medicine
School -aged children
BMI -Z Score
Distribution frequency