
论述客家“三山国王”民间信仰之变迁——以台湾宜兰地区为例 被引量:3

Hakka Belief——"San-San-Gong-Wang " and Hakka Change in Ilan
摘要 本文运用人类学、历史学的研究方法,解析客家族群原乡民间"三山国王"信仰在台湾宜兰地区的变迁,提示此种变迁在文化移植问题上具有的现象与意义。汉人移垦台湾自17世纪中叶以后,移垦的居民多数来自中国东南省份,如闽南、粤东等地区,由于客家族群文化习性遵守先人之法观念较为执着,因此生活中保有许多原乡之习俗。台湾宜兰地区是清代康熙?雍正?乾隆三朝后,嘉庆年间再次由官府配合民间开发的典型案例,由于资料完整,历史发展与目前社会环境变异不大,且田野调查便利等研究条件具备,因此作为本论文研究客家族群民间"三山国王"信仰变迁"王爷公"的时空区域,企图藉明显的历史发展说明客家文化中民间信仰变迁的"土著化"过程。 This article is a Hakka change research, by using anthropology and history points of view, for the ancient belief " San-San-Gong-Wang" which has deep influences in Ilan year by year and then localized into the culture of Ilan as a new belief- " Wang-Ye-Gong". Moreover, it's further in discussion on what's kind of phenomenon and the meanings for tribal relationship and local development, just as " San-San-Gong-Wang" was rooting into Ilan people's life httle by httle and became a local belief "Wang-Ye-Cong. " By this research, it will help to further study on Hakka cultures in other areas, like Malaysia, Goangshi in China in future. After the middle of 17th century, most of Hung immigrants in Taiwan were from the south of China such as Fujian/South Min and Goangdong/Yuandong. Hakka people, one of Hung immigrants, have a character in particular. They are the people who seldom change their traditional living ways and always follow their ancestors' rules respectably. Based on that feature of Hakka people, Hakka culture is a good resource for studying on Hung culture transition. Three main reasons for Ilan as a research chosen place : ( 1 ) It's a place that was been planed to be developed and immigrated by the government with local people during the emperors of Qing dynasty such as Kangxi, Youngzheng, Qianlong, and Jiaqing. Therefore, we have completely historical records there. (2) The culture and living style there isnt much been changed from ancient time to nowadays. (3) It's easy to reach Ilan for further studying. For above conditions, I choose Ilan for my studying how Hakka belief "San-San- Gong-Wang" is "localized" in Ilan and has a new name as "Wang-Ye-Gong".
作者 邱荣裕
出处 《赣南师范学院学报》 2008年第2期9-13,共5页 Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))
关键词 三山国王 噶玛兰 隘寮 王爷公 土著化 San-San-Gong-Wang Kavalan post Wang-Ye-Gong localized
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