
一种新颖的IEEE 802.16e休眠机制 被引量:1

A novel sleep-mode in IEEE 802.16e
摘要 为了提高电池供电的宽带无线接入设备的能量效率,采用马尔可夫分析模型的方法,研究IEEE 802.16e标准的休眠机制的工作行为,提出一种根据随机业务量的实时统计值而动态设置初始休眠窗口的新算法,分析功率损耗和数据包的平均时延与初始休眠窗口之间的关系,能够在整个休眠模式中节省较多的终端能量.仿真结果表明,新算法与标准比较能使终端功率损耗有明显的改善. To enhance the energy efficiency of broadband wireless access devices powered by battery, the operational behavior of sleep-mode in IEEE 802. 16e was investigated by means of Markov's analysis model. A new algorithm was presented to dynamically tune the initial sleep window, which was set according to real-time statistical value of the stochastic operational load, and the relationship of power consumption and mean time-delay of data packets to the initial sleep window was analyzed, so that the power for the terminals could be greatly saved in this sleep-mode on the whole. Simulation results showed that the algorithm proposed could achieve remarkable gain in terminal power consumption compared to the standard sleep mode.
出处 《兰州理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第2期91-95,共5页 Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAF01A21)
关键词 休眠模式 初始休眠窗口 监听窗口 能量效率 平均延时 sleep-mode initial sleep window monitoring window power consumption mean time delay
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