应用计算机检索Medline和Elsevier SDOS 1989-01/2007-10有关距小腿关节(踝关节)肌肉骨骼系统的生物力学特性研究的文献34篇,就距小腿关节的动力学特性的影响因素进行分析和综述。距小腿关节动力学特性表现在:女性在绝对值上弱于男性,考虑力学特性的相对值时差异较小;成年随着年龄的增加,其特性减弱;足的长短和足弓的高低对其动力学特性有较大影响;距小腿关节处于不同角速度,其动力学特性也不相同;距小腿关节力量训练以超等长向心-离心收缩训练效果最好等。影响距小腿关节动力学特性的因素很多,部分研究结果还存在争议。
Thirty-four articles about the biomechanical characters of ankle joint dated between January 1989 and October 2007 were searched in Medline and Elsevier SDOS databases to analyze and review the influential factors for dynamic characters of the ankle joint. The kinetics characters of the ankle joint include: The absolute value of the kinetics character of female is smaller than that of the male. However, there are few differences or even no differences between them for the relative value of the kinetics character. The kinetics characters of the ankle joint become weak as the aging of adults. Foot length and instep height have great impact on the kinetics character of the ankle joint. The kinetics characters of the anklebone will change with its angular velocity. The super-isometric concentric-eccentric contraction shows the best effect in strength training on the ankle joint. There are many factors that influence the dynamic characters of the ankle joint, and partial conclusions are still uncertain.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research