
公安机关向新闻媒体提供侦破案件相关资料 应负谨慎注意义务——评李海峰等诉叶集公安分局、安徽电视台等侵犯名誉权、肖像权纠纷案

Duty of Care Assumable by Public Security Organs in Providing News Medium with Materials Relevant to Solution of Cases——Comments on Case of Li Haifeng and Others versus Yeji Town Public Security Sub-Bureau,Anhui Provincial Television and Other Parties Ov
摘要 2005年3月20日,安徽省霍丘县叶集镇发生一起强奸(未遂)案,被告叶集公安分局立案後,於同年4月13日下午将犯罪嫌疑人朱某某抓获。当晚.叶集公安分局欲安排被害人对犯罪嫌疑人进行混合指认。要求被告叶集实验学校予以协助,提出需要数名与犯罪嫌疑人朱某某年龄相仿的初中男生配合指认。当晚9时下自习时.叶集实验学校教导主任对该校初二某班班主任张爱国说明了此事,张爱国即带领原告李海峰、高平、刘磊、陈光贵、张力保和孙俊前往叶集公安分局。该局民警向张爱国及六原告说明了混合指认的相关内容,张爱国在谈话笔录上签名後,六原告按民警要求手举号牌与犯罪嫌疑人朱某某一起列队接受指认.这一过程被民警摄像和拍照。 On March 20, 2005, there occurred a case of assault with intent to commit rape (abortive) in Yeji Town of Huoqiu County in east China's Anhui Province. After registering the case of attempted rape for investigation, Yeji Town Public Security Sub-Bureau (a codefendant in this case) captured Zhu (the criminal suspect in the case of attempted rape) on April 13 of the same year. On the evening of that day, the public security sub-bureau was planning to arrange a session for the victim to identify the criminal suspect from among a group of people in a so-called"multi-person identification procedure". "Then, it requested Ye.ji Experimental High School (another codefendant in this case) to extend ssistance by designating several male.junior high school students of about the same age as Zhu to stand in a line for identification. When students were dismissed following individual study at 9 o'clock on the evening of that day the teaching director of Yeji High School explained the matter to Zhang Aiguo, the form master in charge of a class in Grade Two of the Junior High School Department of school. ZhangAiguo then led a group of six male students respectively named Li ttaifeng. Gao Ping. Liu Lei, Chen Guanggui, Zhang Ban Li and Sun Jun - all coplaintiffs in this case to Yeji Town Public Security Sub-Bureau. Policemen with the public security sub-bureau notified the ZhangAiguo and the six co-plaintiffs of the procedure of cooperation in assisting the multi-person identification. After Zhang Aiguo signed the record of conversation, the six co-plaintiffs and the criminal suspect in the case o fattempted rape, each holding a numbered placard, stood in a line to accept identification, in accordance on-site instructions given by policemen. The whole process was videotaped and photographed by policemen on-site. The following day, reporters with Anhui Provincial Television (also a codefendant in this case) went to Yeji Town Public Security Sub-Bureau to find sources of news events. Immediately. Yeji Town Public Security Sub-Bureau handed tb.em the videotape of the multi-person identification process and other materials relevant to the case. without making any explanation.
作者 Liao Zhenyun
出处 《中国法律(中英文版)》 2008年第2期43-44,112-114,共5页 China Law








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