
基于PLS路径模型的区域商品房顾客满意度研究 被引量:2

Customer Satisfaction of Regional Real Estate Market Based on PLS Path Modeling
摘要 随着商品房市场竞争的日趋激烈,企业越来越认识到争取市场、赢取顾客的重要性。这使得处于竞争行业的房地产开发企业不得不开始重视顾客满意度。依据中国顾客满意度模型、美国顾客满意度模型和一些学者的研究成果建立商品房顾客满意度潜变量模型及其指标体系,运用偏最小二乘(PLS)法建模技术进行参数估计,得到的结果令人满意。此项研究对房地产商制定战略、特定区域商品房开发前期市场研究和其他研究有些借鉴意义。 With the increased competition in the real estate market, more and more enterprises recognize the importanee of fighting for market share and winning customers. This makes the real estate developers pay more attention to customer satisfaction. By constructing the regional customer satisfaction model in the estate market based CCSI model, ACSI model, and many other research results, the paper uses the PLS method for estimating to gain the rather satisfaetery results which can benfit the developing strategies and preliminaary study of regional market investigation for the real estate firms.
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期49-53,共5页 Commercial Research
关键词 PLS PLS路径模型 区域商品房顾客满意度模型 PLS PLS path model regional customer satisfaction model of regional real estate market
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