约翰内斯.勃拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms)是19世纪作曲家中的巨匠,他的作品涉及除歌剧外的各种音乐体裁。在音乐创作上,虽然他遵循着维也纳古典主义的传统,但是其音乐却充满了浪漫主义气质,并且表现出富有个人特色的创造性。b小调狂想曲0P79 N01写作于勃拉姆斯创作的成熟时期,虽然不是一首大型作品,但是却表现出勃拉姆斯创作的许多特点。本文对这首狂想曲的演奏重点、难点作了较详细的分析阐述,从演奏音响交响性的角度分析、论述了重点乐段。通过分析狂想曲0P79 N01,能够为演奏和研究勃拉姆斯大型作品打下良好的基础。
Johannes Brahms is that great master in 19 centuries composers, his work come down to the various music type except opera. In music creation, although he is following the Vienna classicism tradition, its music has been full of romaticism character, and has shown the creativeness in individual characteristic. Rhapsody OP79 NO1 was writed in the maturation period of Brahms, although is not a large-scale work, actually shows many characteristic of Brahms creation. This article deals with the performance key and diffculty points of Rhapsody OP79 NO1. From the view of Symphanic expounded the key period,through analysis Rhapsody OP79 NO1, we can cuilds the good foundation for research and performance the large-scale work of Brahms.
Journal of Fuyang Normal University:Social Science Edition