本实验以NaCl调试盐度,分别以葡萄糖-蛋白胨-酵母膏和麦芽汁试制两种液体培养基,研究了由厦门龙王庙海区分离得到的两种海洋酵母——MY-4007(Rho-dotorula rubra)和MY-4010(Rhodotorula glutinis var glutinis)的生长繁殖与盐度的关系,以啤酒酵母(Sa-ccharomyces cerevisiae)为实验对照,得出结果:这两种海洋酵母在不含NaCl的培养基中生长繁殖最快,并且随着盐度的升高生长繁殖速度明显下降,呈负相关关系;酵母细胞的蛋白质含量则随盐度增高而增加。表明NaCl对这两种海洋酵母的生长繁殖有着显著的影响。
Study on the salinity effects (mainly Nad) upon the growth and reproduction of two species of marine yeast MY-4007 Rhodotorula rubra and MY-4010 Rhodotorula glutinis var glutinis, both of which were isolated from the seawater of Longwangmiao in Xiamen Bay, has been made in this experiment, in which the two species of marine yeast were cultured in two kinds of liquid media respectively, one made by solium chloride (NaC1) solution of different concentrations, containing the same nutriments of glucose, peptone and yeast extract, another made by malt extract in which the salinity were adjusted by adding NaCl. In the same way, a contrast experiment has been done with non-marine yeast (brewer's yeast) Sa-ccharomyces cerevisiae. The results showed that the two species of marine yeast grew optimally in no NaCl liquid media, but in NaCl liquid media, their growth was inhibited to. some extent, and the decrease in their growth occurred when increasing NaCl concentration of the media, indicating that their growth and reproduction have a negative correlation with NaCl concentration. Furthermore, the protein quantitative analysis of the yeast cells sampled from the culture showed that the protein contents of the yeast cells increased in increasing NaCl concentration. All the experiment results testified that salinity (or NaCl) makes a notable effect upon the growth and reproduction of the two species of marine yeast.
Marine Sciences
Marine yeast, Salinity, Growth and reproduction