The resistivity tomography had obtained some good results, but according to the published papers, most or the authors did the work using the finite elemcnt method. The key problem of the resistivity tomography is to solve the Jacobin matrix(that is thecooefficiency matrix derivated potental by eletric resistance). The Fmite e1ement method can solve the problem, but it need more the computer memory and coputing time. Wedevelope the method of the resistivity tomography by tracing the electric ray borrowing from the method of tracing the seismic ray. In the paper, we discuss the principle or tracing eIectric ray, and give the programme frame. After improving the tracing method and solving the equhons by using the reduced dimension, this method can compute the more complex models. Comparing this method with the finite element method, we find that the computer memory used by tracing electric current ray is only 1 /10 that used by the FEM, the computer time can save ten times. It shows that the method of tracing electric current ray has great advantage, and makes the fundation to be widely used.
Progress in Geophysics