
欧洲议会上布莱尔演讲的人际意义研究 被引量:9

The Interpersonal Meaning in Tony Blair's Speech to EU Parliament
摘要 以功能语法的人际功能理论为基础,对布莱尔在欧洲议会上所发表的演讲进行人际意义分析,揭示政治演讲中实现人际意义的语言手段。分析表明在政治演讲中,陈述语气、祈使语气、情态动词、情态附加语、情态隐喻、评价和人称系统等是实现人际意义的主要语言手段,使用这些语言手段能在演讲者与听众之间建立良好的人际互动关系,达到演讲的目的。 Tony Blair's speech to EU Parliament is analyzed to demonstrate how interpersonal meanings are generally realized in a political speech in the framework of functional grammar in general and the perspective of interpersonal function in particular. The results of the analysis reveal that declarative, imperative, medal auxiliaries, medal adjuncts, metaphors of medality, evaluation and person system are the crucial linguistic dements which realize interpersonal meanings in a political speech. These linguistic elements are employed to establish good relationship between the speaker and the audience and reach the aims of a political speech.
作者 黄远竟 杨敏
出处 《四川教育学院学报》 2008年第3期55-58,68,共5页 Journal of Sichuan College of Education
关键词 政治演讲 人际意义 语气 情态 评价 人称 political speech interpersonal meaning mood medality evaluation person
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