At the moment,the whole world faces the most severe inflation in food prices in history,as grain and soybean prices climb to all-time highs.Al- though some observers blame the weather for the decrease in crop yields and that the growing demand for cereals used for bio-fuel production has conspired toward continuous price rises on world grain mar- ket;others regard it simply as a matter of demand outpacing supply.In seven of the last eight years,world grain production has fallen behind rates of consumption. Soaring world grain prices are pro- jected to keep driving food price infla-
At the moment,the whole world faces the most severe inflation in food prices in history,as grain and soybean prices climb to all-time highs.Although some observers blame the weather for the decrease in crop yields and that the growing demand for cereals used for bio-fuel production has conspired toward continuous price rises on world grain ma ket;others regard it simply as a matter of demand outpacing supply.In seven of the last eight years,world grain production has fallen behind rates of consumption.