As Bangladesh cel- ebrated its 37th anniversary of Independence and National Day on March 26, China's Foreign Trade inter- viewed H.E.Mr.Munshi Faiz Ahmad,Ambassador Extraor- dinary and Plenipotentiary of Bangladesh to the People's Re- public of China.'Bangladesh and China enjoy traditional friendship for a long time.For example,Xuan Zang (the Chi- nese Buddhist monk famous for his'Journey to the West'
As Bangladesh celebrated its 37th anniversary of Independence and National Day on March 26, China's Foreign Trade interviewed H.E.Mr.Munshi Faiz Ahmad,Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bangladesh to the People's Republic of China."Bangladesh and China enjoy traditional friendship for a long time.For example,Xuan Zang (the Chinese Buddhist monk famous for his"Journey to the West"during the Tang dynasty) and Admiral Zheng He (the great Chinese navigator from the Ming dynasty) visited Bengal in their respective times.